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Counter Balance PPI body double. It features thermal printer for ticketing (tickets).
This scale belongs to Jupiter Epelsa series. This range attractive and functional design features a powerful hardware
based on next-generation microprocessors that allow sound and stable among all the computers on the network TCP / IP communications.
We are facing a balance that suits the needs of small and medium businesses.
Weighing Features:
- Capacity: 15 kg.
- Division: 5 gr.
- Minimum load: 100 gr.
- Tara maximum: 9,995 gr.
- Articles 10,000 PLUs.
- Hotkeys 49 10 departments.
- Up to 40 lines descriptive of the article.
- 10 sales.
- Five heads and five legends, 10 free texts, continuous advertising.
- Backlit alphanumeric displays.
- Ethernet and RS-232 output.
- Interconnected up to 10 computers.
- Wireless cash drawer.
- PC connection via Ethernet or RS-232 for all types of programming.