Plastic price holder special for fruits. It is used to mark the price of the products to show the retail price (RRP) to the consumer directly.
The price markup works with a simple system of three circles or roulette (with their three axes) and printed with the 10 digit numbers (0 to 9) and can make combinations of three digits, units with two decimals. His first digit contains 10 digits, so it allows combinations of price up to 9.99 €, hence down.
This roulette system allows you to change the price easily. It also allows reuse. In addition to being plastic maintains optimum hygiene conditions.
This poster comes to prices and imprinted with "PVP", "€ uro" and "Kilo". It is therefore suitable for products sold in bulk or weight, to indicate the price per kilo. Especially for fruits, because its design in greens, yellow, white and red tones is the topic of greengrocers to come printed with the word "fruit" and an illustration of various fruits.
It has a small space on the left side to place ancillary information then cover with clear plastic. By default it is printed "variety", "product", "origin", "category" and "caliber", but this is covered if you place a paper on top, which in turn is protected by a clear plastic.
This vintage prices for fruits has two hangers ideal for hanging the shelf or shelf.
Poster Dimensions (W x L): 22 x 15.5 cm.