Plastic price holder o fishmongers to have the shape and design of a fish. Perfect to show retail price per kilo of fish.
The price markup works with a simple set of four circles or roulette (with their four axes) and printed with the 10 digit numbers (0 to 9), and can make combinations of four digits, tens with two decimals. Only the first digit, it is 5, so that they can only price combinations until € 59.99, hence down.
This roulette system allows you to change the price easily. It also allows reuse. In addition to being plastic maintains optimum hygiene conditions.
This poster comes to prices and imprinted with "PVP", "€ uro" and "Kilo". It is therefore suitable for products sold in bulk or weight, to indicate the price per kilo. Especially for fish, for your design in blue tone and shape of fish fit perfectly in a fish.
It also comes with a section in the middle to place the information lega themselves known as: Country of origin, Calibre, Freshness, Category, Date, Product, scientific and trade name, net weight, method of production, processing and dispatch. All this written in Spanish.
Poster Dimensions (width x length): 14 x 10 cm.
Skewer length: 4.5 cm
Length: 14 cm.